Sympozium o kmenových buňkách
Termín: 7. března 2009
Místo: neuvedeno
zobrazeno 2302x
v rámci konference USCAP
Pathological Society Symposium on ‘Stem Cells in Pathobiology and Regenerative Medicine’ Date: Saturday 7th March (during USCAP 2009, Boston) Time: 5-7pm Location: Independence West room at the Sheraton Boston Hotel Confirmed Speakers • The Pathological Society Special Lecture: The epithelial-mesenchymal transition and cancer stem cells - Robert A. Weinberg • Attributes of adult stem cells - Malcolm R. Alison • Endogenous lung stem cells and disease - Barry R. Stripp • Inferring human stem cell behaviour from epigenetic drift - Darryl K. Shibata Attend the symposium and collect your free copy of our 2009 Annual Review Issue on Stem Cells in Pathobiology and Regenerative Medicine